Key Performance Indicators

Key performance indicators (KPIs) have been used in the world of business to provide strategic control. With myGAPhub, you will have all this powerful tool at your disposal. Explore the basic KPIs below called ‘The 7G’ and even create your own.


This is the measure of your Rainy Day Fund that is saved up for the sole purpose of covering your living expenses in the case of loss of primary source of income.


If you are yet to buy your own residential property, this is a measure of money being saved up to buy your own home.


This tracks the progress you make as you pay off all your unsecured debts with the goal of becoming debt (unsecured) free.


This will help you track the progress of the repayment of the mortgage you took out to buy your primary place of residence.


This helps your children avoid debt from student loans. So it tracks how much you are saving towards their university education.


Path to freedom is a measure of the average monthly income from your asset portfolio as a percentage of your average monthly expenditure.


Giving is Living! You will be able to measure how much you are giving away to charity as a percentage of how much you are spending on yourself or in your family.